Fresh ideas are what Process is passionate about. Each client inspires us to think of new ideas and ways to creatively develop them. Each project we work on is different and original and treated as a new and creative venture. Click on the portfolio thumbnails to see some samples of how our creative ideas and hard work are implemented.

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Client Overview:

Designed by well known artists at DBA Intermedia and Aravind @ Apparel Sourcing USA, Try Change T-shirts combines urban styles and colors with the message of positive change. Ten percent of all profits of our T-shirts are donated to our official partners Volunteers of America Chesapeake.

Volunteers of America was founded in 1896. It is a national organization that provides local human service programs and opportunities for individual and community involvement. It is one of the nation's largest and most comprehensive human services organization, touching the lives of nearly 1.8 million people each year in communities across the United States.

At Try Change we also give you our clients the opportunity to “Share Your Story” to help inspire others to make positive changes in their life and the lives of others.